How To Parallel Park Like A Boss

The first car I drove was my mom’s suburban- she would let me borrow it at night and on weekends in high school. It was humungous, and learning to park that tank was a feat all in itself. Luckily my grandfather, Murphy, was a fantastic parallel parker and taught me the few crucial steps to ensure a perfect parking job every time:

Pull up next to the parked car in front of the spot Image-1you want, leaving about 1-1.5 feet between the side of your car and the side of the parked car. You want to pull forward until your rear tires are lined up with the parked car’s rear tires.

Put your car in reverse, turning your steering wheel to the right.




Once your front tires are parallel to the parked car’s rear tires, stop.

Continue to reverse, but now turn your steering wheel to the left.




Stop once you’re comfortably in the middle of the spot. If you’re lucky enough to have a rear view camera in your car, use that to guide you.


This may take a few times to practice, but once you’ve perfected the technique, I guarantee it will work every time!
Questions? Thoughts? What’s your favorite parallel parking technique?

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